Silvia De Benedictis


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Summer, 2024.

Interests: Programming, Web Design, AI, Graphic Design


Rate My Facilities 2023

A web application providing helpful information on good facilities around campus.

HTML/CSS Bootstrap Javascript MongoDB React Meteor

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Auto-Robot Exploration 2021

My team devised a way for a mobile robot to quickly learn the physical map for a house so that it is prepared to carry out domestic activities.

Python Linux ROS

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Traffic Map 2020

I developed a program that creates a map with markers for all the traffic collisions from the input file.


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Study Buddy 2019

A web app that my team built to aid college students find study groups in their campus for specific courses.

Python MongoDB Flask

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A Site to Remember

07 May 2024

Overview Many volunteers often want to help more in their communities but can’t find suitable opportunities or struggle with receiving responses after applying. This semester, I was fortunate to be part of a project aimed at addressing these issues. Our...

Software Engineering IDPM

Software Engineering 101

10 Dec 2023

Introduction As someone who is interested in web development, I was mostly expecting to learn about the user interface in my ICS 314 Software Engineering course. To my surprise, along with getting to learn about User Interface Frameworks, I also...

Software Engineering

The Power of UI Frameworks

05 Oct 2023

What is a UI Framework? When I was first going through the code camp for HTML and CSS, I was frustrated by how many design elements I had to write from scratch. While it allowed for personalized control, there were...

Web Developing UI Frameworks

Coding Standards: The Rules to Rule Code

20 Sep 2023

A Lesson Learned On many occasions, I find myself stuck on a coding project for hours. There are even times when I need to work on it for up to two to three days, all because of compilation errors. In...

Style Guide Software Engineering

How to Not Be Left On Read - Coders Edition

06 Sep 2023

The Power of Questions In my very first computer science class, I remember my professor saying that there was no such thing as a “dumb” question. He consistently encouraged our class to ask any questions, no matter how seemingly simple,...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

Decoding Dreams: My Adventure in Software Engineering

31 Aug 2023

Where it began When I was a child, my family owned an old computer, and I can still vividly remember when it started up and displayed the “Microsoft Windows 2000” logo. I would play around with any application that seemed...

Software Engineering Goals